Privacy policy

PlaneraNu Sverige AB 2022

This policy was last updated 5 July 2022.

This policy describes how we process the information that supports the PlaneraNu platform.

To provide the PlaneraNu platform we must process information about you. Depending on how you use our platform different types of information is collected.

Things that you provide

We only collect information when you log in, reset your password or when you check-in our check-out.

Device information

We collect your IP address limited amounts of time, it is used anonymously and not linked to any user.

We do not share any information with any third-party.

We do not store any data longer than necessary or until you request the data you provided to be deleted.

We will notify you before we make any changes to the policy and will give you the opportunity to review the new policy before you choose to continue to use our platform.

If you need to contact us you can email us at:

[email protected]